Working together to make SEND everyone’s business, with a focus on emotional health and wellbeing
Keynote speakers presentations:
- Andrew Wright, from Action Your Potential, speaking on Daily behaviours that promote wellbeing and improve mental health and mind management . Please find a link to the presentation here and an example video all about how to respond rather than react to rumination.
Andrew has also provided a couple of films about how to cope with the back to school wobbles for secondary and primary children and families:
Managing the Back to School Wobbles (1) 6:16s
Managing the Back to School Wobbles (2) 7:15s
Managing the Back to School Wobbles (1) 5:29s
Managing the Back to School Wobbles (2) 6:14s
- Amelia Thompson, from Whole School SEND, speaking on Working together – making SEND everyone’s business, with an emphasis on SEN Support
- Understanding and Supporting LGBT+ Children & Young People, led by Allsorts
- Promoting Equality and Tackling Racism. Led by EMTAS ( slide presentation)
- Introducing the Individual Support Plan, (ISP), a graduated response template ( handout from the conference). Led by Maryanne Woodland, Educational Psychologist, WSCC
- Journey to adulthood, focusing on transition points across education, health and social care from the earliest stages (slide presentation). Led by WSCC SEND & Inclusion Advisors and Designated Social Care Officer.
- What to do when a child or young person self-harms. Led by WSCC Safeguarding in Education. Follow the links for the handouts from the workshop: