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Promoting Equality & Tackling Racism – Guidance for West Sussex Schools

‘Promoting Equality and Tackling Racism’ is a guidance document designed to support West Sussex schools to reflect on their current practice and to implement improvements through a long-term, sustained, whole-school approach.

The document is structured around eight key issues that cover different aspects of planning, policy and practice. Schools are encouraged to consider how they will develop their approach on each of these eight issues in order to tackle racism in all of its forms and embed an ethos of inclusion and equality in a meaningful and permanent way. The guidance also sets out the legal and local contexts for this work, as well as signposting to a range of wider reading, resources and practical tools. 

A shorter summary of the main guidance is also available to download on this page.  This sets out the suggested whole school approach and outlines the structure of the main guidance document. 

An online version of ‘Useful links for resources and further research’ can also be found in this section of the website.

Last updated 8 November 2021

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