How to change the established mindset of all staff so they actively demonstrate that ‘all teachers are teachers of SEND’.
How to gain staff ownership of classroom support.
Things to consider:
- Introduce the use of the Ordinarily Available Inclusive Practice (OAIP) guide as a classroom tool as part of whole school training. Encourage staff to use the OAIP as an everyday helpful resource. Section 1 details quality first teaching expectations and section 2 provides strategy information.
- Ensure all class teacher and support staff are aware of their SEND roles and that of the SENCO – it can be useful to refer to the SEND Code of practice within this training.
- To support the use of the OAIP, provide staff drop-ins so colleagues can share what they have tried and any barriers they are facing with the SENCO. This can also be a good time management strategy as staff can be signposted to the drop-ins.
- Introduce problem-solving scenario discussions as part of staff meetings.
- Use the strengths of other locality schools. For example, learning visits to other schools to see Quality First Teaching and SEND ownership in practice. The learning school could also showcase something they are proud of as part of ‘skills swap’.
- Build on the school’s strengths and recognise what is going well to increase staff confidence. The school could share example of good practice as part of countywide Inclusion celebrations.
- Introduce the use of a simple planning template that focuses on the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle (APDR). Class teachers should be encouraged to work through the cycle a couple of time before seeking the advice of the SENCO. Make sure all staff are aware of what should be recorded – provide support to staff for the use of the template. See Individual Support Plan pages on Tools for Schools for a planning framework.
- Encourage staff and parents to meet for the first few APDR cycle before SENCO steps in.
- SEN [KK1] register and those causing concern – create Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) with staff.
- Consider use of an online platform for parent carers so they can see and comment on their child’s ILP with the class teacher. ILPs then reviewed by SENCO.
- ILPs sent home 2 weeks before parents’ evening so they can discuss the targets with class teacher. SENCO available for more detailed conversations if needed.
Last updated 6 September 2021