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What is Tools for Schools? How can the Inclusion Framework and OAIP support my setting?

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  • The information below should be used to raise aspirations and expectations and encourage thinking about what the future might look like for children from an early age. It is important to include all staff and parents in this approach.
  • It can be used as a framework for staff professional development to promote consistent approach towards planned transitions across all stages of education.
  • It can be used by an individual school, or cluster of schools, to support auditing and self-evaluation.
  • The information should be used flexibly. Key stages are used as a guide but should be adapted according to the developmental needs of the individual child/young person.
  • It can be used to support review meetings and ensure that transitions towards adulthood are planned for in reviews, progressively from early years upwards.
  • It can be used creatively to weave transitions towards adulthood into the overall curriculum offer.
  • Do read in conjunction with Chapter 8 of the SEND Code of Practice 2015.