Things to consider:
- How well do staff understand, know and use the graduated approach cycle (assess, plan, do, review)?
- How confident are staff about quality first teaching (QFT)? Can staff describe how they would see quality first teaching in practice?
- How much time do you think teachers would need to gain a secure knowledge of QFT expectations?
- Learning walks can be useful technique for brief lesson observations – consider how these can be introduced and planned for all staff.
- Encourage staff to video themselves teaching on an ipad and then watch themselves back. Staff could be asked to pick out something that went well (note timing on video) and then share at a staff meeting or with colleague.
- Create ‘tips of the week’ to share with staff – all staff could contribute to this through their learning walks and videos.
- Ask pupils about their learning after the lesson to what understand what enabled them to learn effectively. It is also useful to encourage pupils to reflect on their learning.
- Set specific timespans for learning a concept / skills and review effectiveness of interventions. If the pupil misses some sessions due to illness etc, make sure they are given this time ‘back’ to ensure they have adequate time to develop their understanding / catch up on what they missed.
- Regular review a child’s Individual Learning Plan – ensure it captures how the child learns best, what helps them, as well as what they have learnt and remembered.
- Provide staff and children with opportunities for self-reflection.
- Provide class teacher planning checks – is the learning sequential, objectives well planned, is there differentiation? Does the learning make sense?
- Create ‘tips of the week’ to share with staff.
Last updated 16 August 2021