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Early years: Touch (tactile) differences

Strategies and approches

  • Staff recognise the positive impact that recognising and planning for children’s sensory differences and needs have on children’s learning and emotional well-being.
  • Consider the proximity of others perhaps consider use of a carpet tile at group.
  • Allow the child to be at the front or the back of a line. if helpful.
  • Approach the child within their visual field..
  • Consider the challenges that a child may face with different floor surfaces; they may find it challenging to sit on the carpet.
  • Ensure there are opportunities for the child to engage in sensory play e.g. sand, water, oats, gloop.


Sensory Resource


A sensory checklist for the classroom and individuals can be found on the Autism and Social Communication Advisory Teams WIKI, under the resources for schools section (scroll along to sensory processing).

Last updated 2 November 2021

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