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Early years: Developmental co-ordination difficulties (previously known as dyspraxia)

Strategies and approaches:

In addition to the strategies suggested in the Cognition and Learning section, the following may be of help.

  • Develop children’s core stability e.g. wobble cushion, exercises and games
  • Ensure correct seating position with appropriately sized table and chairs. Practitioners should discuss any specialist equipment needs with the most appropriate professional.
  • Provide physical activities to support development of gross motor skills e.g. throwing, catching, hopping, scootering, riding a trike etc. In addition, offer opportunities for children to cross their mid-line such as waving scarves, ribbons, pom-poms etc.
  • Provide a variety of opportunities for mark making, such as water and paint brushes, mud and sticks, wet and dry sand before progressing on to using more formal mark making tools such as pencils/crayons etc. Pencil grips and/or sloping boards may support the use of these more formal tools.
  • Develop fine motor skills e.g. hand and arm exercises, such as dough disco, specialist scissors, pegboards, threading, play dough, pincher grips activities e.g. pegs onto washing line or sorting with tweezers.
  • Provide sequencing and organisational skills e.g. now/next boards, visual timetables and clear and consistent routines.


Sensory Resource


A sensory checklist for the classroom and individuals can be found on the Autism and Social Communication Advisory Teams WIKI, under the resources for schools section (scroll along to sensory processing).

Dough Disco – YouTube

Dough Gym

Early Years Resources, with extensive SEN resources that are suitable for supporting children with developmental coordination disorder

Last updated 8 January 2024

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