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What is Tools for Schools? How can the Inclusion Framework and OAIP support my setting?

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Uneven profile / difficulties across the curriculum but with some areas of strength.

Provision and / or strategies:

  • Ensure the ‘assess, plan, do, review‘ process is understood and used consistently across the school or setting. The cycle and evidence of impact should be recorded.
  • Ensure the child or young person has full access to the breadth of learning by making adjustments and modifications to differentiate the curriculum, right across the board. Differentiate by task, outcome, level of difficulty or amount of support / scaffolding.
  • Place emphasis on self-actualisation as this will develop skills which will enable the child or young person to become an independent learner.
  • Support the child to develop their self-esteem through celebration and reinforcement of strengths and successes. Where possible, use the child or young person’s strengths to make links to support areas of difficulty.
  • Encourage and support the child to persevere through difficulties, to ask questions, problem solve and take risks.
  • Identify and support next steps in learning utilising information from home to offer the child consistent challenge.

Last updated 3 November 2021

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