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What is Tools for Schools? How can the Inclusion Framework and OAIP support my setting?

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Inadequate progress despite appropriate differentiation, working below age related expectations.

Provision and / or strategies

  • Ensure the ‘assess, plan, do, review‘ process is understood and used consistently across the school or setting. The cycle and evidence of impact should be recorded.
  • Assess through teaching to identify the areas of need in consultation with the child or young person.
  • Model use of open-ended simple pondering statements such as ‘I wonder… or what if’ rather than direct questions.
  • Give clear and simple instructions, breaking down longer instructions and giving one at a time.
  • Use visual timetables, visual cues and prompts e.g. objects, pictures, photos, symbols, choice boards, sequences to support instructions.
  • Develop personalised stories and books using the child’s interests.
  • Give time to process information before a response is needed.
  • Use pre-teaching to support the child. If there is a new interest that is due to be expanded or a new book explored, it may be useful to share this with the child prior to others. It may be helpful to introduce specific language and vocabulary.
  • Make explicit links to prior learning by reminding the child / young person of past events, activities or experiences. Displaying photographs or sharing individual learning journals to support this.
  • Share next steps where appropriate – so the child / young person knows what to expect. This can be very informally done through conversations, for example, “Well done, next time we can try…”
  • Use differentiated resources – teach the curriculum appropriate to the development of the child. Scrutinize the developmental stage rather than the age of the child to ensure resources support needs.
  • Use meaningful strategies to boost self-esteem and confidence.
  • Provide specific meaningful praise and feedback when a child perseveres and / or achieves something new. Staff should praise the child for the process of engagement and learning and ‘having a go’ rather than the outcome.

Last updated 3 November 2021

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