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Useful links – 4. Talking to children & young people about race and racism

PLEASE NOTE: These links support the Promoting Equality & Tackling Racism guidance document. They cover a wide range of external sites and sources, and are intended to assist schools in their research and planning.

West Sussex EMTAS periodically check the correct links and relevance of the resources. Links were accurate as dated 26th August 2022.

Talking to children and young people

‘How to talk about racism in schools’
Tips on supporting teachers to facilitate conversations about race with their pupils. A Ferner & D Chetty – TES article, 2020
Helping Students Discuss Race Openly
Julie Landsman, 2016. Article in Educational Leadership: A six step approach.
Twelve Tips for Talking with Children About Racism and Social Justice by Save the Children Fund
BOOK: Wish We Knew What to Say: Talking with Children About Race by Dr Pragya Agarwal
Written to help parents, carers & educators give children the tools and vocabulary to talk about differences and similarities in an open, non-judgemental, curious way.
Talking about Racism
A social story, created for C&YP with special needs by Herons Dale Primary School
Exploring Race with Children with Special Needs
Short article – Integrated Children’s Therapy
Ten Books to Introduce Race & Ethnicity to Kids with Autism. An article by Mama Bibliosoph, 2017

Links to share with parent carers

‘How to talk to kids about racism’
Today’s Parent – an age-by-age guide
‘Talking to your kids about racism’
Short Unicef article – how to start the conversation and keep it going
‘Talking to children about racism’
NSPCC – Support for parents
A Parent’s Guide to Black Lives Matter / A Guide to Black History Month
Why we need to talk about race and SEND
Special Needs Jungle – a site for parents. Article with video (51 mins)
Explaining racism
Ambitious about Autism article

Last updated 26 August 2022

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