West Sussex Inclusion Framework September 2021 doc
Is there evidence that….
- The school works proactively with all children and young people (CYP) and their parent carers, to explore their experiences around school, their learning and to positively address sensitive areas.
Discussion prompts / evidence of impact
- All safeguarding procedures are clearly reflected in school policies and are fully compliant with ‘Keeping Children Safe In Education (KCSIE).‘ The needs of disadvantaged children and those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are specifically considered and effectively included in safeguarding policies and procedures. All staff are aware of the local services available to assist CYP and their families.
- A whole school approach to Education for Safeguarding (E4S) is clearly evident and facilitation of learning is effective in meeting the needs of the school community.
- All staff can confidently describe their roles and responsibilities in relation to behaviour, attendance, exclusions and anti-bullying, and how it impacts on CYP’s outcomes.
- CYP from all groups report that their experience of school is positive, supportive and safe. There are opportunities for peer support such as playground buddies, peer mediators and peer mentors. Staff are insightful and can spot power imbalances in friendships, that may be based on subtle differences that the more vulnerable CYP isn’t aware of. These instances are used to allow the more “powerful” CYP a chance to reflect and learn other ways of interacting.
- The school can provide a range of examples where creative and imaginative learning opportunities have assisted the CYP with SEND, additional needs or from disadvantaged groups to feel safe and achieve well. These CYP are routinely asked what vehicles they find useful in furthering their learning and engagement.
- There are designated calm, safe spaces within the school and school grounds. These have been identified with and can be used by the CYP to self-regulate when needed.
- Safe places and routines are identified within individual support plans for those who need support to maintain their emotional regulation.
- CYP are encouraged to know how to access support mechanisms that exist outside of school, such as national helplines.
- CYP can describe how they have helped to shape systems to report bullying (including when it occurs online), and how they play an active role in combating bullying and supporting those who have been targets of bullying.
- There is a system for CYP and staff to report incidents of bullying, including confidential listening opportunities. CYP know who to speak to when they do not feel safe and report that action is taken: observations of CYP around school and discussions with CYP confirm this. The school consistently counters all forms of discrimination.
- Interventions and support ensure that all CYP involved in alleged incidents remain safe throughout all stages of investigation through to resolution. Support is provided for both the victims and perpetrators of bullying behaviours with a clear plan on how this is managed across the school to avoid future incidents.
Last updated 16 August 2021