West Sussex Inclusion Framework September 2021 doc
Is there evidence that…
- The school has a clear and aspirational improvement /development plan which has been created with all stakeholders.
- The development plan clearly prioritises inclusion of all children and young people (CYP), reflecting the needs of the whole school community.
- High expectations for CYP and staff are modelled by senior leaders and, in turn, by all other stakeholders.
Discussion prompts / evidence of impact
- CYP and parents understand the leadership and management structure and school ethos.
- Individual and collective CYP and parent voice is evident in the school plan, e.g. through surveys and audits, school council or parent groups. CYP and parents are aware of how they have contributed to plans and decisions and understand why their views have or have not been acted upon, for example ‘you said / we did’. This includes gathering and responding to the views of parents who may not typically respond.
- The Leadership Team and governing body/trust not only receive reviews of how effectively the school meets the needs of its CYP but also responds, e.g. by appropriately adapting strategic plans based on feedback. The head teacher’s termly report to governors includes inclusion development.
- School leaders analyse hard and soft data available to them to ensure that the under performance of all groups of CYP are both identified and addressed effectively with pace. The school improvement plan clearly identifies a range of initiatives to improve outcomes for all CYP, including those with attachment/trauma difficulties, or who have or have had support from a social worker.
- The School Council, or equivalent, includes representation from all sectors of the school community, including disadvantaged groups, and understands and is valued for its role in school planning and decision making. Participation is enabled and supported so that it is meaningful for all.
- The school has a regular cycle for quality assurance and self-evaluation of inclusive culture and practice. This includes working with partners such as the local authority’s Education and Skills teams.
- The school makes good use of peer to peer review in developing its next steps.
Last updated 16 August 2021