West Sussex Inclusion Framework September 2021 doc
Is there evidence that…
- A range of effective co-production and communication methods are used with children and young people (CYP), parent carers (parents) and the community to inform practice and foster positive relationships.
Discussion prompts / evidence of impact
- The school communicates with children/young people and parents through a range of methods, such as newsletters, text messages, website or suggestion box. These communication systems are accessible to all and regularly reviewed with stakeholders, including those from different groups, so all perspectives can be considered to drive improvement. Particular consideration is given to children/young people and parents who are reluctant to enter school, those with limited literacy, limited digital access and those for whom English is an additional language.
- Key information about the school is kept up to date and is easily available on its website. Hard copies are also available where required. The school regularly checks with parents to ensure that the information that they need is easily accessible and understood, for example, the school’s Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information Report, OFSTED, admission arrangements, Pupil Premium and pupil outcomes data.
- The SEND Information Report and other appropriate policies, including Pupil Premium, accessibility plan and equality information, are routinely co-produced with parents.
- The school routinely refers to the ‘Ordinarily Available Inclusive Practice’ guide (OAIP) and the Local Offer when engaging with stakeholders. These are used proactively to ensure that children/young people and their parents are aware of and have access to all appropriate available provision according to their needs.
- The school has a proactive approach to engage ‘harder to reach’ families, e.g. additional sensitive and effective communication systems are in place, widely understood and used well. Parents are enabled to communicate in ways they are most comfortable with and these are respected, even if they are more time consuming for the school to implement.
- All staff can describe their work to engage children/young people and parents, e.g. allocation of a key worker who ensures regular, timely and on-going two-way communication with parents.
- Children/young people, parents, staff and other stakeholders report that their views are effectively listened to and acted upon to inform school communication systems.
Last updated 3 March 2022