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Early years: Visual impairment

Identified barrier and/or need:

Deterioration in visual behaviours e.g. handwriting, copying, moving text closer to eyes, identifying peers in playground, during low light.

Strategies and approaches

  • Work together with other professionals e.g. Sensory Support Team, Mobility Officer, to share strategies and advice to support the children’s access to the learning environment e.g. use of ICT, alternative visual resources.
  • Staff to have a good understanding of child’s level of vision, seek training through the Sensory Support Team.
  • Provide additional resources to support inclusive play, for example a bell in the ball so all can play together.
  • Allow time for a child to map the room, allow this to occur daily or when in. Allow re-mapping to occur when furniture and resources change place to reduce confusion and potential injury.
  • Consider lighting and position at group time/lunchtime for children and how it supports their vision.
  • Provide uncluttered space and reduce display backgrounds to help the children focus on the appropriate object.
  • Use auditory reinforcements.
  • Use talking books & literature/books in braille.
  • Ensure labelling and pictures that denote the content of resources are in a style that is clear to the child.
  • Take account of mobility needs to ensure the child can access the whole environment.
  • Provide access to visual aids at an appropriate height for children.
  • Consider using talking equipment.
  • Provide access to quieter spaces within the environment.

Last updated 2 November 2021

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