West Sussex Inclusion Framework September 2021 doc
Is there evidence that…
- Quality first teaching meets the needs of all children and young people (CYP) with appropriate reasonable adjustments being made for those that need it. E.g. more able, special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), Pupil Premium, etc
Discussion prompts / evidence of impact
- Schools have a bespoke continued professional development (CPD) programme that supports quality first teaching, this includes the use of the ‘Ordinarily Available Inclusive Practice’ document.
- Teachers plan and deliver lessons informed by accurate formative assessment that meets the needs of all children. Teaching is skilfully designed to help all CYP know more and remember more over time. Teaching enables CYP to link new knowledge into larger ideas.
- The effective deployment of staff is planned and evaluated to enhance the learning of all CYP. Staff providing individual support and challenge can describe how this fosters independent learning.
- There is a flexible approach, informed by on-going assessment, to the organisation of the teaching and learning environment that promotes co-operative learning.
- All CYP know and can discuss their next steps in learning. Targets are co-produced and shared with parents.
- As part of its inclusive culture, the school can demonstrate how universal classroom provision enables CYP with these needs to access learning independently. For example, Dyslexia Friendly, Autism Aware practices.
Last updated 16 August 2021