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VIDEO: Advice for EAL parents – Introduction to the English Education System

West Sussex EMTAS (Ethnic Minority & Traveller Achievement Service) have put together a series of videos aimed at parents and carers of children for whom English is an Additional Language (EAL).

The videos have been recorded in different languages by members of the EMTAS team and by other bilingual professionals working in schools across West Sussex. We are hugely grateful for each person who has taken the time to record a video.

This video has been made for parents and carers who are new to the English Education System. It gives useful information on topics including:

  • Where will my child go to school?
  • At what age do children start going to school in England?
  • What is school like?
  • What will my child need?
  • What will my child eat for lunch?
  • What do children study at school?
  • How will school communicate with me?

There are two versions of this video. One version is aimed at parents of primary school children and one for parents of secondary school children.

Education in England – Primary (from 4 years to 11 years)

Education in England – Secondary (from 11 years to 18 years)

Last updated 9 June 2022

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