In July 2023, West Hoathly Church of England Primary School in East Grinsted achieved the Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Inclusive Practice Award. The Award, which is exclusive to West Sussex and an excellent way to develop inclusive good practice that is recognised locally, is designed to raise knowledge and understanding of specific literacy and numeracy difficulties, improve classroom practice and develop the ability to support individual pupils throughout a setting.
In May and June 2022, the school attended three days of training which focussed on creating an inclusive classroom to meet the needs of pupils with dyslexia and other related literacy difficulties and dyscalculia and numeracy difficulties. The advantages of a neurodiverse brain were celebrated, and a strengths-based model promoted. Good practice was shared by schools and the training also included a personal story of the everyday challenges of having severe dyscalculia.
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The SENCo had created useful information leaflets for all parents at the school to raise wider awareness and understanding of dyslexia and dyscalculia.
Following the training days, and subsequent support meetings, West Hoathly were ready for moderation in July of 2023. Two members of the Learning Behaviour Advisory Team visited the school to find out about the progress the school had made on their DADIPA journey. Both team members were impressed with the portfolio of work the school had produced. This included detailed case studies which identified the positive impact the developments had had identified young people, examples of good engagement with parents including parent information booklets and examples of how DaDIPA had been incorporated into whole school policy, practice, and development.
Team members also toured the school and were able to see first hand how the learning environments had been developed to support those with dyslexic and dyscalculic profiles. For example, all displays used buff backgrounds, accessible fonts, the volume of writing was carefully considered and physical resources were clearly accessible for young people to use. The SENCO was also able to discuss the training that she had delivered to whole staff throughout the school year and had a clear action plan for the school’s next steps. Congratulations to West Hoathly on the developments that they have put in place to support their learners and for achieving the DaDIPA award.
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Children’s written work is valued and on display throughout the school. Clipboards are used to document children’s writing progress throughout the school year and are accessible for children to access and review.
If you would like further information about DaDIPA, please contact Anna Ronchetti.
![Logo for DaDIPA award](