Two free resources have been created for parents, following a Crawley Borough Council funded project, produced in partnership with WSCC professionals and a range of experts on inclusion, Autism Spectrum Conditions and radicalisation:
A Parental Guidance Booklet – Safeguarding young people with Autism Spectrum Conditions from extremist ideologies – This Guidance Booklet provides key information and guidance to those parents with young people who have an Autism Spectrum Condition, around safeguarding them from extremist ideologies. The objective of this resource is to equip parents with the confidence and effective strategies to have meaningful conversations with and develop the resilience of young people going forwards. Consequently, they will hopefully be able to effectively recognise and counter extremist points of view.
A Parental Toolkit – Safeguarding young people with Autism Spectrum Conditions from extremist ideologies – To be used alongside the guidance booklet, this is a ‘Toolkit’ of practical resources and templates that parents can use with their young people with Autism Spectrum Conditions to encourage awareness and critical thinking skills around key themes related to radicalisation and extremism. The aim is to foster transferable life skills that a young person with an ASC can draw upon in future to build personal resilience to any concerning images, beliefs or people that may lead that young person into harm.
Last updated 27 July 2022