- Think carefully about who will be used to gain child and young person’s views – Some children and young people may be more comfortable with someone they don’t know well, others may respond better to a familiar person. The person needs to know the context in which the child learns.
- Train staff in how to capture the child or young person’s voice.
- Decide when and how the adult will give feedback.
- Adults need to be prepared to hear things they may not want to hear and must respect the child or young person’s views unconditionally.
- Adults need to remain objective and need to be aware of their own reactions. Giving reassurance can alter the child’s responses.
- Adults must try to be supportive but remain neutral. If the child or young person needs reassurance, give this at the end of the question/questionnaire.
- Adults need to accept the perspective of the child or young person. This does not mean that the adult has to do what the child say but it does mean that they have to take their perspective seriously.
- What can sometimes get in the way is the natural desire to help the pupil to feel better. It is important not to adopt the ‘sticking plaster’ approach and to explore difficulties, rather than just give reassurance.
- The role of the adult is to create an atmosphere in which child or young person feel that their views can be acknowledged and accepted – please see timing and venue section.
Last updated 10 September 2020