When moving classes within a school it is still important to develop a transition plan. This could include:
- How to pass information on to the new class teacher/ form tutor in advance.
- Opportunities for teachers and teaching assistants to work with the child or young person in their old classroom environment to gain a sense of routine. The adults can also gain an understanding of how the child or young person uses the space and resources.
- Opportunities for the child or young person to visit the new class and meet the new teacher.
- Share strategies and ideas that have been working well for the child or young person and those that have been less successful.
- Time for the parent or carer to meet the class teacher ahead of the change.
- Organise ‘6 week in’ sessions for parents to visit the school after the transition has taken place so they can gain a sense of how their child or young person has settled and raise any questions they may have.
Last updated 1 March 2021