WSCC’s Children’s Services need your help in finding out what is important to children and young people with SEND.
To help with schools are being asked to:
- Encourage children and young people to get involved in a February half term Zoom workshop.

(You can download a pdf of this flyer here Young Voices webpages)
2. Do you know any young people who would like to take part in our county-wide Youth Forum, Young Voices? New members are always welcome. The group is currently for 14 to 25 year olds, and a second group for younger people is starting soon. Find out more about Young voices, on the Youth Participation Wiki website or email [email protected]. Families and young people are also welcome to contact Rachel directly.
Coming up after February half term
3. Online Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic (PSHCE) workshops. Rachel, the SEND Participation Lead and the Young Voices Youth Ambassadors are co-hosting online workshops on topics that can tie in with your PSCHE and personal development curriculums. There is limited capacity to deliver these ‘live’, so please do contact [email protected] to discuss your requirements. Recorded sessions will be posted each month on YourSpace YouTube channel
Look out for your student participation packs. They will be found on the ‘pupil voice’ section of Tools for Schools and on The West Sussex Local Offer.