We are pleased to announce that we now have a dedicated email for you to send your examples of good inclusive practice – [email protected].
Examples of good inclusive practice will be captured throughout the academic year and will culminate in a ‘Celebration of Inclusion’ month in June 2021. So what are you waiting for?! Let’s celebrate your work! Not sure if what you are doing counts as ‘good practice?’, the Inclusion and Strategy team is here to help! Just get in touch by emailing us at [email protected] . The Inclusion Strategy Team can then support you with capturing your examples. They can upload them onto the Tools for Schools pages to share with all our schools across West Sussex. Good practice examples can be captured through a range of media. These include short films, photographs, blogs, drawings and, of course, written case studies.
Some of the questions you might like to consider when pulling together your examples are:
- What example of good inclusive practice would you like to share?
- What were you trying to achieve? Why? What was the intended outcome?
- What did you do, who was involved, when and where did it take place?
- What difference has the practice made to staff, children and young people? How do you know? What data or indicators were used to support this?
- What impact has the practice had on ‘every-day’ / operational practice within the wider school / setting?
- What impact has the practice had on the school’s strategic development?
- What are the next steps for further development?
- What are your ‘top-tips’ for another school / setting that wants to follow a similar approach
- How have you been using the Inclusion Framework to support you in identifying / improving practice? What benefits have you found? How could the framework be strengthened?
The Celebration of Inclusion month will provide us with an opportunity to share the fantastic work that goes on right across West Sussex. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

To see some examples of good practice in West Sussex Schools – https://schools.local-offer.org/inclusion/inclusion-awards/