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Traveller Education Support (TES) Network Meetings

Termly TES Network Meetings have kindly been hosted by a variety of schools since the group first met in July 2019.  A range of school staff and other professionals from across the county have attended the meetings and the feedback from attendees has been overwhelmingly positive.

The network agenda is decided by the attendees and the topics are varied. The opportunity to network and share updates between schools is a key feature of the meetings and has led to some very interesting discussions around common issues. The meetings also allow our team to listen to schools and respond to their needs. Attendees are able to return to school with key updates about the EMTAS team, the work of other local professionals and information from national organisations, as well as examples of good practice from other settings.

It is inspirational to hear how schools have learnt from their experiences and are still very much committed to their learning journey and finding the right pathways to support pupils to achieve their best.

Previous topics raised have included:

•       The importance of cultural awareness training for all school staff and Governors.

•       The opportunity to develop peer to peer support for GTRSB (Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showman & Boater) pupils.

•       Vulnerabilities Index and pupils’ support to develop academic resilience (as used by Imberhorne School).

•       Group activity that focused on exploring issues for GTRSB pupils from different perspectives.

•       Dissemination of Traveller Times website & magazine to raise awareness.

Previous speakers have included:

•       Pupil Entitlement team.

•       Children Missing in Education team.

•       Elective Home Education team.

•       Steyning Grammar School – the Deputy Head discussed the school’s learning journey and the developments in practice around working with Traveller families.

For professionals wishing to attend future TES Network Meeting, please contact [email protected]

Last updated 20 February 2023

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