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2020: Virtual SENCO conference

Our first ever virtual SENCO conference was held on 25th November 2020. We were delighted to have Lorraine Peterson join us as our key note speaker.

Each of the 4 workshops were recorded and can be found below with relevant links.

Session 1: The role of the SENCO in supporting all staff to develop
approaches that support children/young people with SEMH to
access learning. Delivered by Lorraine Petersen, CEO of NASEN 2004-2013.

Session 2: EAL or SEND? The challenges in unpicking whether the key issue in a child’s learning profile is EAL or SEN. Considerations when assessing and the importance of trying to understand the whole child. Delivered by WSCC EMTAS team.

Session 3: Our West Sussex therapeutic thinking approach. Delivered by Kate Southgate, WSCC LBAT team.

Session 4: Making a difference to pupils’ wellbeing and increasing schools’ capacity to support emotional needs through the Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) project. Delivered by Gina Denner, WSCC EP and WSCC ELSA schools.

If you would like the transcripts of any of these videos please get in contact.

Last updated 7 December 2020

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