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Pre-transition: as early as possible

  • Arrange for staff from future schools and settings to attend school events at the child or young person’s current school to support familiarisation.
  • Encourage the child and family to attend open days / visits at the new setting so they can become familiar with the layout and feel of new setting.
  • It can be helpful to help prepare the family and child ahead of the visit. For example, in considering what questions they may want to ask or aspects of the school they would like to see. Some families may also benefit from having a member of staff from their current school at the visit to help them get the most out of their visit.
  • If the child or young person has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) schedule in the Annual Review dates for the coming year. See ‘Annual Reviews and key transition considerations for children and young people with EHCPs’ page for key considerations by year group. Ensure that SENAT attendance is arranged (where appropriate) and that other agencies involved with the child or young person are invited in a timely way. Schedule dates for EHCP Annual Reviews for the coming year. These need to take place the year before the transfer takes place.
  • Consider how the child or young person’s independence skills can be supported.

Last updated 2 March 2021

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